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Psychological Safety

Stepping back from the stress of our day to day to reconnect from time to time is vital... 

Sometimes we need to step back from the stress of our day to day to reconnect. The best thing to do is take the team out of the office and leave those day to day issues to others so you can roll up your sleeves and focus on more strategic matters. As the leader, you want to participate fully AND help guide the process. But it’s hard to wear two hats at once. And it’s hard to know how best to structure and facilitate the content.

Whether you’re looking to explore new directions, evaluate the current situation, conduct a visioning process, or address specific challenges, Nikki has a keen ability to synthesise information quickly, and based on input from preparatory meetings, can promptly and accurately understand your unique needs and expectations. Together, she works collaboratively with you to design the most appropriate program to achieve your objectives—all while keeping people motivated and engaged throughout the process.

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