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The Essence of Presence

We tend to look to leaders with presence. 
We know it when we see it-- they exude confidence, inner strength, wisdom, courage and curiosity.  They want to hear what we have to say because they know if they don't, they will likely miss something and what's more, we might stop volunteering information if they don't.  They care what we think and they work hard to support us.  They remain steadfast and calm but are not afraid to jump into the fire when needed.
When we spend time with horses face to face, or even observing them from afar, we can learn more about presence than we ever thought possible.  That's why we have developed a series of online modules for times when it just isn't possible to head out to the farm.  With partners all over the globe, we have been assisting leaders and teams for years with strengthening their leadership attributes.  Take 6 minutes of your time to check it out...

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